Indigenous Anarchy and Homeschooling with Krista Flute
Public schools are hard on racialized children. History isn't taught correctly, social norms favour white eurocentric ideals, and we often wind up having to undo the damage done.
Following up on our discussion with Dr. Grande about Ghosting the system we talk with Krista Flute, Lakota/Cajun mom who has chosen to teach her children in a homeschool community instead of sending them to the white supremacist system. Something an increasing number of racialized parents are choosing to do.
Some links from a mom in Krista's group:
General decolonial/reindigenize content (it's in Spanish, but you can use Google translate )
Mexico Profundo by Guillermo Bonfil Batalla
The Chichimeca NationsFacebook group
More closely related to: homeschooling/parenting